A method to query comprehensive crypto asset profile data for thousands of unique symbols. The profile endpoint serves detailed descriptive, ontological, referential and taxonomic data including over 250+ unique attributes per asset.
Parameter | Description | Required | Type | Example |
id | Simple numerical ID for asset | false | number |
100825 |
slug | Unique simple identifier of the given asset | false | string |
btc-bitcoin |
symbol | Symbol of the given asset | false | string |
name | Name of the crypto asset or project | false | string |
Bitcoin |
close | Daily closing price in USD | false | number |
5000: |
datetimeUTC | UTC date and time for the close price in USD | false | string |
volume | Unadjusted trading volume of the asset in USD | false | number |
750000000: |
turnover | Simple trading turnover = (unadjusted volume / market cap) | false | number |
1.1: |
rankVolume | Absolute rank of trading turnover using unadjusted volume in USD | false | number |
:25 |
rankTurnover | Absolute rank of trading turnover using unadjusted volume vs simple market cap in USD | false | number |
:25 |
rankMktcap | Absolute rank of simple market cap in USD | false | number |
:25 |
tagline | Brief one line description of the asset or project | false | string |
Peer to peer electronic cash |
description | Summary description of the asset or project | false | string |
Bitcoin is one of the first implementations of a concept called crypto-currency |
classification | General taxonomic classification of crypto asset type | false | string |
general cryptoasset |
codebase | Name of core codebase | false | string |
original |
parentChain | Name of primary or original parent chain | false | string |
ethereum |
platform | Name of main crowd sale platform or network | false | string |
smartContract | Indicates if the asset supports smart contracts | false | boolean |
true |
smartContractaddress | Address of primary functioning smart contract | false | string |
0x560b43cc61ccb4ab9e78130f0041a549cdc73cba |
ercType | Type of ERC asset by EIP token standard version | false | string |
erc20 |
consensusModel | Type and name of cryptographic consensus model | false | string |
~proof-of-work |
orgStructure | Degree of centralization for the primary organization structure and governance model | false | string |
semi-centralized |
openSource | Indicates if core code is available in open source format or similar | false | string |
true |
hardwareWallet | Indicates if asset has support for at least one known hardware wallet | false | boolean |
true |
proofType | Name of cryptographic proof mechanism used to securely facilitate the consensus protocol | false | string |
proof of work |
hashingAlgo | Primary algorithm used to cryptographically secure or hash immutable records using the consensus mechanism | false | string |
~SHA-256 |
fullyPremined | Describes if asset is or was fully premined | false | boolean |
false |
txIdentity | Type and level of anonymity for the given asset based on core consensus mechanism | false | string |
anonymous |
emissionType | Type of emission mechanism and supply schedule | false | string |
~proof of stake |
supply | Current gross supply in the native asset | false | number |
maxSupply | Publicly disclosed gross maximum supply in the native asset | false | number |
isVoting | Indicates if the asset has on-chain governance protocol mechanisms for democratic voting | false | boolean |
true |
isDelegated | Indicates if network has governance protocols or mechanisms that can be delegated | false | boolean |
true |
isStakeable | Indicates if the asset can be staked for governance or rewards functions | false | boolean |
true |
isPoS | Indicates if the asset is or has a traditional a proof of stake mechanism | false | boolean |
true |
isPoW | Indicates if the asset is or has a traditional a proof of work mechanism | false | boolean |
true |
masternodes | Indicates if the asset’s network uses or has masternodes | false | boolean |
false |
mainNetSwap | Indicates if asset was swapped from initial network to another (ie ETH to native) | false | boolean |
true |
multiChain | Indicates if the asset is actively transacted across multiple production chains or networks | false | boolean |
true |
sector | Sector or subcategory of primary economic related activity and exposure | false | string |
~advertising |
category | Category of primary economic related activity and exposure | false | string |
~infrastructure |
tokenUsage | Primary real world use case or proposed usage of the crypto asset | false | string |
~currency |
incentiveModel | Primary type of economic model to incentivize network users to secure and maintain the network | false | string |
~rewards |
isPermissioned | Indicates if the asset is permissioned or has a quasi permissioned layer | false | boolean |
false |
sourceCode | Direct URL for the primary source code or repository | false | string |
sourceCode2 | Direct URL for the secondary source code or repository | false | string |
explorer | Primary block or chain explorer URL | false | string |
explorer2 | Secondary block or chain explorer URL | false | string |
whitepaper | Direct URL to the primary whitepaper | false | string | |
devStatus | Functional status of the core value proposition relative to its production timeline or roadmap | false | string |
working product |
dateInception | Date of project launch or announcement | false | string |
incorporated | Indicates if primary entity affiliated with main crowd sale is incorporated | false | boolean |
false |
incorporatedUrl | Direct URL to proof of incorporated entity | false | string |
incorporated2 | Additional detail about the incorporated status (if applicable) | false | string |
incorporatedId | Legally registered ID of incorporated entity ie company number (if applicable) | false | string |
incorporatedCountry | Country of primary incorporation (if applicable) | false | string |
incorporatedAddress | Address of primary incorporated entity (if applicable) | false | string |
domicile | Legally recognized location of primary operations | false | string |
domicileCode | International code for the legally recognized location of primary operations | false | string |
legalName | Internationally recognized legal entity name using GLEI standards | false | string |
legalStructure | Type of legal corporate entity or structure | false | string |
keyIndividuals | Individuals involved in key areas of the project or crowd sale | false | string |
~vitalik |
isICO | Indicates if asset is an ICO (initial coin offering) | false | boolean |
true |
isIEO | Indicates if asset is an IEO (initial exchange offering) | false | boolean |
false |
isSTO | Indicates if asset is an STO (security token offering) | false | boolean |
false |
isMineable | Indicates if the asset is mineable | false | boolean |
true |
hasDerivatives | Describes if asset has tradable derivatives or markets | false | boolean |
true |
urlTreasuryWallet | Direct URL to the active treasury or reserve wallet | false | string | |
notableBackers | Notable backers or investors in the asset or project at any stage | false | string |
~Pantera |
isIndexMember | Indicates if asset is a constituent member of a known benchmark index | false | boolean |
true |
urlWebsite | Direct URL to the primary website or homepage | false | string | |
urlAlexa | Direct URL to the Alexa web traffic page for the primary website | false | string | |
urlReddit | Direct URL to the primary Reddit channel or sub | false | string | |
urlTwitter | Direct URL to the primary Twitter page | false | string | |
urlFacebook | Direct URL to the primary Facebook page | false | string | |
urlTelegram | Direct URL to the primary Telegram channel | false | string | |
urlMedium | Direct URL to the primary Medium blog | false | string | |
urlBtcTalk | Direct URL to the primary or initial BitcoinTalk page | false | string | |
urlGithub | Direct URL to the primary GitHub repo | false | string | |
urlLinkedin | Direct URL to the primary LinkedIn page | false | string | |
urlYoutube | Direct URL to the primary YouTube channel | false | string | |
urlSlack | Direct URL to the primary Slack channel | false | string | |
urlWhitepaper | Direct URL to the primary whitepaper | false | string | |
urlFinancialStatements | Direct URL to financial statements (if applicable) | false | string |
urlRoadmap | Direct URL to the project roadmap or timeline (if available) | false | string |
twitter_followers | Count of current Twitter followers | false | number |
10000: |
twitter_favourites | Count of current Twitter favorties | false | number |
reddit_subscribers | Gross number of current Reddit subscribers for the primary /subreddit channel | false | number |
1000: |
reddit_active_users | Gross number of currently active Reddit users for the primary /subreddit channel in the previous 24hr cycle | false | number |
1000: |
code_repo_open_issues | Count of lifetime open issues for the primary code or git repo | false | number |
code_repo_closed_issues | Count of lifetime closed issues for the primary code or git repo | false | number |
activeAddresses | Estimated count of active addresses | false | number |
1000: |
inflationAnnualized | Annualized rate of asset inflation based on emission schedule | false | number |
stakingMin | The minimum amount of units required to stake the asset in the asset’s native unit | false | number |
stakingMinUSD | The USD equivalent of minimum native asset units required to stake on the network using close price in USD | false | number |
top1000HoldersDistribution | Query based off of a specific value for top1000HoldersDistribution | false | number |
50: |
top1000HoldersSupplyDistribution | Percent distribution of the outstanding asset supply held by the top 1000 addresses | false | number |
50: |
top100HoldersDistribution | Query based off of a specific value for top100HoldersDistribution | false | number |
50: |
top100HoldersSupplyDistribution | Percent distribution of the outstanding asset supply held by the top 100 addresses | false | number |
50: |
top10HoldersDistribution | Query based off of a specific value for top10HoldersDistribution | false | number |
50: |
top10HoldersSupplyDistribution | Percent distribution of the outstanding asset supply held by the top 10 addresses | false | number |
50: |
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- To learn more about this data and see additional real-world applications, check out our gallery using the explorer here.
title | source | category | description |
Accomplice VC Crypto Market Map | Accomplice VC | research | Keywords: venture capital, taxonomy |
Consumer Tokens Framework Version1 | Brooklyn Project | research | Keywords: taxonomy, classification |
Crypto Utopia | Autonomous NEXT | research | Keywords: crypto, ico, token, regulatory, venture, fork, hack, fund, taxonomy |
Cryptoasset Taxonomy Report | Cryptocompare | research | Keywords: classification, sector, hierarchy, group, history |
CryptoUtopia | Autonomous NEXT | research | Keywords: venture capital, ico, hype, taxonomy |
Framework for Investment Contract Analysis of Digital Assets | SEC | regulatory | | Keywords: sec, regulator, valuation, taxonomy, howey, framework, methodology, ico, securities, law, classification, dapp |
From Hype to Reality A Taxonomy of Blockchain Applications | Karlsruthe Institute of Technology | research | Keywords: framework, classification, category, valuation, model |
GDAX Digital Asset Framework | GDAX | research | Keywords: exchange, taxonomy, qualifications |
General Taxonomy Cryptographic Assets | Bravenewcoin | research | Keywords: classification, sector, hierarchy, protocol, dlt, basket |
General Taxonomy Use Case Series | Bravenewcoin | research | Keywords: classification, sector, hierarchy, protocol, dlt, basket |
Guidance on Cryptoassets | UK FCA | regulatory | This paper looks at where cryptoassets would be considered ‘Specified Investments’ under the Regulated Activities Order (RAO),3 ‘Financial Instruments’ such as ‘Transferable Securities’ under the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive II (MiFID II),4 or captured under the Payment Services Regulations (PSRs), 5 or the E-Money Regulations (EMRs).6 It also covers where cryptoassets would not be considered ‘Specified Investments’ under the RAO. | Keywords: mifid, rao, securities, regulation, classification, oversight, taxonomy |
Q3 Quarterly Report | Coingecko | research | Keywords: crypto, bitcoin, blockchain, social, sentiment, exchange, volume, ico, node, nft, event, contract |
Regulate or Not Overview Cryptographic Assets With Simultaneous Economic Properties | Bravenewcoin | research | Keywords: bitcoin, blockchain, dlt, taxonomy, classification, investment, managers, use, case, protocol, tokens, basket, index, commodities, store, value |
State of Blockchains Q2 2017 | Coindesk | research | Keywords: network, exchange, regulation, sentiment, developer, social, enterprise, investment |
State of Blockchains Q3 2018 | Coindesk | research | Keywords: network, exchange, regulation, sentiment, developer, social, enterprise, investment |
Taxonomy for Cryptographic Assets | Bravenewcoin | research | Keywords: classification, sector, hierarchy, protocol, dlt, basket |
Taxonomy Of Blockchain Tech Principles Of Identification And Classification | Center for Blockchain Technologies | research | Keywords: immutable, identification, taxonomy, framework, org structure, governance |
The Brooklyn Project | Brooklyn Project | research | Keywords: taxonomy, classification |
The Brooklyn Project Framework Version 1 | Brooklyn Project | research | Keywords: taxonomy, classification |
Token Mania | Autonomous NEXT | research | Keywords: crypto, ico, token, regulatory, venture, fork, hack, fund, taxonomy |
Top 100 Crypto Assets by Twitter Followers | Paradigm | Social Community | Exploring the segment dispersions across Twitter communities Fun fact: not a single one of our team, partners or customers guess the #1 follower base on the first 2 tries. How influential is Twitter really on crypto market action? | Keywords: social, sentiment, tweet, twtr, community |
See statistics on the current and recent status of this API endpoint here.
See pricing details for this endpoint including rate limits, account subscriptions, custom bulk data access and more here.
A method to query data about crypto assets from our meta data engine. Find the mapping or taxonomy for a symbol across dozens of crypto service providers (not just exchanges listed on CCXT). Lookup what trading exchanges label specific assets vs data aggregators and popular websites. See the meta score for each symbol to validate crypto asset profiles including how many unique sources include specific assets in their unique identifier lists. Find known aliases and conflicts responsible for causing painful data model and API feed breaks. Lookup available mappings for crypto assets across ISIN, FIGI, Bloomberg ticker, LEI and more.
Parameter | Description | Required | Type | Example |
id | Simple numerical ID for the asset | false | number |
100825 |
name | Short name of the asset | false | string |
Bitcoin |
pdmk | Unique identifier of the asset called the Paradigm master key | false | string |
symbol | Symbol of the asset | false | string |
uscCount | Count of unique and independent data sources that serve data on the asset | false | number |
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- Embed example widgets & charts into your published articles or research.
- To learn more about this data and see additional real-world applications, check out our gallery using the explorer here.
title | source | category | description |
2018 Crypto Retrospective Summary | Circle Research | research | Keywords: bear, winter, ico, token, sale, fees, lightning, dapps, funds, mergers, venture, equity, sto, security, stablecoin |
Bitcoin Post Issuance Existential Threat | The Block Crypto | research | Keywords: btc, security, budget, block, reward, transaction, fees, frm, ratio, multiple, lightning, utxo, miner |
Dandelion Lightweight Cryptocurrency Networking Formal Anonymity Guarantees | DTR Research | academic | Keywords: privacy, blockchain, transaction, model, security, protocol, crypto |
Deconstructing Blockchain to Approach Physical Limits | DTR Research | academic | Keywords: base, protocol, consensus, throughput, latency, security, incentive |
Fee Ratio Multiple Ratios (FRM) | Paradigm | Transaction Fees | Measuring the distance for PoW chains to sustain security levels solely through transaction fees Why is FR important? The vast majority of crypto assets employ disinflationary monetary policies, whereby the rate of issuance declines geometrically. Read more here: | Keywords: pow, proof, mining, security, hash, fee |
Initial Coin Offerings | Ernst Young | regulatory | Keywords: blockchain, ico, smart, contract, token, valuation, security, regulation |
Introducing Fee Ratio Multiple | CryptoChat | research | Keywords: btc, security, budget, block, reward, transaction, fees, frm, ratio, multiple, lightning, utxo, miner |
Network Value Aggregate Fee Ratio | CryptoChat | research | Keywords: nvafr, security, inflation, btc, eth, ltc, xmr, dcr, bch, xrp |
Whats Next Blockchain | CB Insights | research | Keywords: stable, security, sto, fungible, nft, dlt, ledger, privacy, ico, smart, contract, exchange |
See statistics on the current and recent status of this API endpoint here.
See pricing details for this endpoint including rate limits, account subscriptions, custom bulk data access and more here.
Wallet Tracker
A method to query data about wallets from hundreds of unique chains across thousands of addresses. Find addresses by category, type and function for exchanges, types of exchange, miners, pools, cold storage, hacked wallets, ICO proceeds, smart contracts, DAPPs, DEX liquidity providers and more. Load historical data for specific wallets, validate smart contracts and lookup token holdings by address.
Parameter | Description | Required | Type | Example |
id | Simple numerical ID for the address | false | string |
4992 |
address | Full string address or identifier for the wallet address | false | string |
0x742d35cc6634c0532925a3b844bc454e4438f44e |
name | Name of the wallet or address | false | string |
Bitfinex_5 |
description | Description of the wallet address including additional referential details or context | false | string |
Bitfinex exchange fiat gateway wallet |
chain | Primary chain or network of the wallet address | false | string |
symbol | Primary symbol associated with the wallet address | false | string |
n/a |
type | Type of wallet address as defined by its primary use case and user type | false | string |
exchange |
category | Category of primary economic related activity and exposure associated with the wallet address | false | string |
centralized |
function | Primary operational purpose or utility function the wallet address serves to execute or facilitate | false | string |
fiat gateway |
exchange | Name of exchange associated with owning or operating the wallet address (if applicable) | false | string |
Bitfinex |
isCold | Indicates if the address is maintained primarily using an air gapped hardware key store or wallet | false | boolean |
multisig | Indicates if the address is a multi signature wallet | false | string |
n/a |
isBlacklist | Indicates if the address is on any known blacklists | false | boolean |
False |
isFrozen | Indicates if the address is known to be frozen from executing inbound or outbound transactions | false | boolean |
False |
explorer | Name of the primary block explorer service or platform used for the type of address and associated assets | false | string |
etherscan |
explorerURL | Direct URL to the summary page of the wallet address using a primary block explorer (if applicable) | false | string | |
tokenHoldingsurl | Direct URL to the holdings of the wallet address using a primary block explorer (if applicable) | false | string | |
validateUrl | Direct URL to validate the metadata of the wallet address using a primary block explorer (if applicable) | false | string | |
historical1 | Direct URL to historical activity of the wallet address using a primary block explorer (if applicable) | false | string | |
historical2 | Secondary URL to historical activity of the wallet address using a primary block explorer (if applicable) | false | string |
n/a |
reportUrl | Direct URL to a comprehensive report of the wallet address using a primary block explorer (if applicable) | false | string | |
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- Build data into content for websites and apps
- Embed example widgets & charts into your published articles or research.
- To learn more about this data and see additional real-world applications, check out our gallery using the explorer here.
title | source | category | description |
Are Cryptoassets Highly Correlated | Binance | research | Keywords: pattern, flows, trend, sentiment, herd |
Big Ideas 2019 | ARK Invest | research | Keywords: innovation, bitcoin, crypto, wallet, ledger, payment |
Bitcoin Delta Cap | Paradigm | Network Value | Assessing network value with DeltaCap DeltaCap is calculated through the following formula, measuring the difference between two long-term Bitcoin moving averages: DeltaCap = (RealizedCap - AverageCap). | Keywords: utxo, realized cap, market cap, holders, trend, outputs, unspent |
Bitcoin Holder Analysis Through Cycles | Delphi Digital | research | Keywords: hodl, wave, utxo, unspent, transaction, output, selling, forecast, btc |
Bitcoin Post Issuance Existential Threat | The Block Crypto | research | Keywords: btc, security, budget, block, reward, transaction, fees, frm, ratio, multiple, lightning, utxo, miner |
Bitwise Asset Management Analysis of Real Bitcoin Trade Volume | Bitwise | research | Keywords: wash trading, exchanges, flows, order books, trading volume |
BlockSci Design Applications Blockchain Analysis Platform | BlockSci Research | academic | Keywords: explorer, data, address, transaction, multisig, signature |
ETH Transactions by Category | Paradigm | Network Activity | The most active account types & categories by transaction count | Keywords: holders, wallets, heuristics, tracking, label |
Exchange Liquidity Whitepaper | Conventure Research | research | Keywords: wash trading, exchanges, flows, order books, trading volume |
Exchange Review February 2019 | Cryptocompare | research | Keywords: trading, volume, flows, order book, liquidity, wash trading |
Introducing Fee Ratio Multiple | CryptoChat | research | Keywords: btc, security, budget, block, reward, transaction, fees, frm, ratio, multiple, lightning, utxo, miner |
Power of prediction Experiment in Vote Buying | The Block Crypto | research | Keywords: governance, chain, mechanism, design, augur, ark |
US Treasury Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons | United States Treasury OFAC | regulatory | Keywords: blacklist, ban, watchlist, |
See statistics on the current and recent status of this API endpoint here.
See pricing details for this endpoint including rate limits, account subscriptions, custom bulk data access and more here.
A method to query data for thousands of ICOs, IEOs, STOs and other related crypto capital offerings and token generation events. Data returned includes detailed information about capital raised, percentage distributions of proceeds, key individuals, notable backers & investors along with custom metrics like ICO Pct Book Value, sharpe ratios, ICO treasury wallet addresses for tracking balances and flows and much more.
Parameter | Description | Required | Type | Example |
id | Simple numerical ID for asset | false | number |
slug | Unique simple identifier of the given asset | false | string |
symbol | Symbol of the given asset | false | string |
name | Name of the crypto asset or project | false | string |
Ethereum |
tagline | Brief one line description of the asset or project | false | string |
Crypto trading exchange & research platform |
price | Daily closing price in USD | false | number |
market_cap | Simple market cap of the asset | false | number |
volume | Unadjusted trading volume of the asset in USD | false | number |
10000000: |
turnover | Simple trading turnover = (unadjusted volume / market cap) | false | number |
2: |
rankMktcap | Absolute rank of simple market cap in USD | false | number |
:25 |
rankVolume | Absolute rank of trading turnover using unadjusted volume in USD | false | number |
:25 |
rankTurnover | Absolute rank of trading turnover using unadjusted volume vs simple market cap in USD | false | number |
:25 |
listedExchanges | Estimated count of exchanges asset is listed on | false | string |
50: |
classification | General taxonomic classification of crypto asset type | false | string |
protocol token |
codebase | Name of core codebase | false | string |
Ethereum Protocol |
parentChain | Name of primary or original parent chain | false | string |
~Ethereum |
platform | Name of main crowd sale platform or network | false | string |
~NEO |
ercType | Type of ERC asset by EIP token standard version | false | string |
ERC20 |
consensusModel | Type and name of cryptographic consensus model | false | string |
Proof-of-Stake |
orgStructure | Degree of centralization for the primary organization structure and governance model | false | string |
openSource | Indicates if core code is available in open source format or similar | false | string |
hardwareWallet | Indicates if asset has support for at least one known hardware wallet | false | boolean |
True |
fullyPremined | Describes if asset is or was fully premined | false | boolean |
txIdentity | Type and level of anonymity for the given asset based on core consensus mechanism | false | string |
pseudoanonymous |
emissionType | Type of emission mechanism and supply schedule | false | string |
~perpetual |
supply | Current gross supply in the native asset | false | number |
mainNetSwap | Indicates if asset was swapped from initial network to another (ie ETH to native) | false | boolean |
sector | Sector or subcategory of primary economic related activity and exposure | false | string |
~advertising |
category | Category of primary economic related activity and exposure | false | string |
~infrastructure |
tokenUsage | Primary real world use case or proposed usage of the crypto asset | false | string |
~fees |
explorer | Primary block or chain explorer URL | false | string |
explorer2 | Secondary block or chain explorer URL | false | string |
whitepaper | Direct URL to the primary whitepaper | false | string | |
dateInception | Date of project launch or announcement | false | string |
incorporated | Indicates if primary entity affiliated with main crowd sale is incorporated | false | boolean |
true |
incorporatedCountry | Country of primary incorporation (if applicable) | false | string |
Singapore |
icoLegalAdvisors | Publicly disclosed legal advisors or law firms involved in main crowd sale | false | string |
Perkins Coie |
icoLegalForm | Type of legal corporate entity or structure | false | string |
foundation |
icoSecurityAudit | Indicates if the project had a security audit | false | string |
icoJurisdiction | Primary regulatory jurisdiction where main crowd sale held from | false | string |
~China |
keyIndividuals | Individuals involved in key areas of the project or crowd sale | false | string |
~Vitalik |
notableBackers | Notable backers or investors in the asset or project at any stage | false | string |
~Pantera |
icoPriceSymbol | Symbol of primary asset accepted in main crowd sale | false | string |
icoAcceptedSymbols | Symbols of crypto or fiat accepted at any stage of crowd sale | false | string |
~BTC |
icoPrice | Publicly disclosed initial price of main crowd sale in icoPriceSymbol | false | number |
icoPriceUSD | Publicly disclosed initial price of main crowd sale in USD | false | number |
icoDeltaUSD | Difference between main crowd sale price vs current price as a percentage | false | number |
2: |
icoReturnUSD | Estimated ROI of asset based on current price vs main crowd sale price in USD | false | number |
2: |
icoBookValuePct | icoBookValuePct = (current market cap / icoRaisedUSD) | false | number |
2: |
icoRaisedUSD | Publicly disclosed gross amount raised in USD | false | number |
10000000: |
icoGoal | Publicly disclosed goal for main crowd sale in USD | false | number |
10000: |
icoTokenSupply | Amount of publicly disclosed gross token supply in the native asset | false | number |
maxSupply | Publicly disclosed gross maximum supply in the native asset | false | number |
icoPctSupplyInvestors | Percentage of token supply allocated to investors | false | number |
0.5: |
icoPctSupplyTeam | Percentage of token supply allocated to designated team members | false | number |
0.5: |
icoPctSupplyOther | Percentage of token supply allocated to other parties or purposes | false | number |
0.5: |
icoPctSupplyAdvisors | Percentage of token supply allocated to designated advisors | false | string |
0.5: |
icoPctSupplyReserve | Percentage of token supply allocated as a designated reserve | false | string |
0.5: |
ieoExchange | Name of primary exchange of launch for IEO (if applicable) | false | string |
icoStartDate | Start date of main crowd sale | false | string |
icoEndDate | End date of main crowd sale | false | string |
icoTradeDate | Date of earliest known and publicly available trading | false | string |
icoPreStartDate | Start date of primary presale | false | number |
icoPreEndDate | End date of primary presale | false | number |
icoPrePriceUSD | Publicly disclosed initial price of primary presale in USD | false | number |
icoPrePriceETH | Publicly disclosed initial price of primary presale in ETH | false | number |
icoPrePrice | Publicly disclosed initial price of primary presale in icoPriceSymbol | false | number |
icoPriceETH | Publicly disclosed initial price of main crowd sale in ETH | false | number |
icoPriceBTC | Publicly disclosed initial price of main crowd sale in BTC | false | number |
icoStartDateBTCUSD | Price of BTC in USD on the start date of main crowd sale | false | number |
icoStartDateETHUSD | Price of ETH in USD on the start date of main crowd sale | false | number |
icoEndDateBTCUSD | Price of BTC in USD on end date of main crowd sale | false | boolean |
icoEndDateETHUSD | Price of ETH in USD on end date of main crowd sale | false | boolean |
isIEO | Indicates if asset is an IEO (initial exchange offering) | false | boolean |
false |
isSTO | Indicates if asset is an STO (security token offering) | false | boolean |
false |
hasDerivatives | Describes if asset has tradable derivatives or markets | false | boolean |
True |
isBurnable | Indicates if asset is burnable | false | boolean |
false |
icoBonus | Describes if project had a publicly disclosed bonus | false | boolean |
icoBounty | Describes if project had a publicly disclosed bounty | false | boolean |
icoPreICO | Indicates if project held an official presale | false | boolean |
icoHardcap | Publicly disclosed goal hardcap for main crowd sale in USD | false | string |
icoMinInvest | Indicates if main crowd sale had a minimum amount per investor | false | string |
true |
smartContractaddress | Address of primary functioning smart contract for main crowd sale or treasury | false | string |
0xB8c77482e45F1F44dE1745F52C74426C631bDD52 |
icoWalletAddress | Address of primary receiving wallets for main crowd sale or treasury | false | string |
0xb4E23D717ED13345498F100c9EacBb256916AE1a |
urlTreasuryWallet | Direct URL to the active treasury or reserve wallet | false | boolean | |
icoRestrictedCountries | Countries restricted from crowd sale participation including solicitation crowd sale access or related | false | boolean |
~USA |
icoKyc | Indicates publicly disclosed KYC requirements for main crowd sale | false | boolean |
icoWhitelist | Indicates if main crowd sale had a whitelist for investor access | false | string |
isIndexMember | Indicates if asset is a constituent member of a known benchmark index | false | string |
false |
corpPartners | Publicly disclosed corporate partners | false | number |
urlWebsite | Direct URL to the primary website or homepage | false | number | |
pctChg7D | Percent change of price in USD over the prior 7 days | false | number |
0.5: |
pctChg30D | Percent change of price in USD over the prior 30 days | false | number |
0.5: |
pctChg90D | Percent change of price in USD over the prior 90 days | false | number |
0.5: |
pctChg180D | Percent change of price in USD over the prior 180 days | false | number |
0.5: |
pctChg365D | Percent change of price in USD over the prior 365 days | false | number |
0.5: |
volatility7D | Volatility of the asset price in USD for the prior 7 day period | false | number |
3: |
volatility30D | Volatility of the asset price in USD for the prior 30 day period | false | number |
3: |
sharpe3MLibor | Simple sharpe ratio using 3M Libor as the RFR (risk free rate) | false | number |
3: |
sharpe6MLibor | Simple sharpe ratio using 6M Libor as the RFR (risk free rate) | false | number |
3: |
rankSharpe3MLibor | Absolute rank of sharpe ratio using 3M Libor as the RFR (risk free rate) | false | string |
:25 |
rankSharpe6MLibor | Absolute rank of sharpe ratio using 6M Libor as the RFR (risk free rate) | false |
:25 |
sharpeDate | Date of most recent sharpe ratio calculation when underlying RFR benchmark was active | false |
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title | source | category | description |
2018 Crypto Retrospective Summary | Circle Research | research | Keywords: bear, winter, ico, token, sale, fees, lightning, dapps, funds, mergers, venture, equity, sto, security, stablecoin |
2018 Yearly Report | Coingecko | research | Keywords: overview, lightning, distributions, ath, exchanges, thefts, ico, stablecoin, bch, nodes, nft, fungible, masternodes |
3 Moments in History that Explain the ICO Bubble | Hacker Noon | research | The technologies that enable bubbles are always new, but the underlying social dynamics are not. The open and permissionless nature of blockchains allows anyone to co-opt them. Thus, blockchains enabled multiple social forces, all interacting in the same network, all reied under the name “the ICO bubble.” | Keywords: ico, bubble, mania, hype, manipulation, sentiment, herd, social networks |
A Model of CryptoCurrencies | Princeton | academic | Keywords: model, valuation, ico, bubble |
Analysis and Outlook of Applications of Blockchain Technology to Equity Crowdfunding in China | Shanghai University | research | Keywords: asia, ico, capital formation, sto, securities, regulation |
Bitcoin Post Issuance Existential Threat | The Block Crypto | research | Keywords: btc, security, budget, block, reward, transaction, fees, frm, ratio, multiple, lightning, utxo, miner |
Blockchain Review Investment Trends Opportunities | CB Insights | research | Keywords: venture, equity, corporate, ico, dlt, ledger, saft |
Chromapolis | Picolo Research | research | Keywords: ico |
Cracking the code on cryptocurrency Survey | ICORating | research | Keywords: ico, sentiment |
Crypto Asset Post Trade Processing of Tokenized Securities Whitepaper | DTCC | research | Keywords: custody, dtcc, clearing, sto, securities, institutional |
Crypto Utopia | Autonomous NEXT | research | Keywords: crypto, ico, token, regulatory, venture, fork, hack, fund, taxonomy |
Cryptoassets Venture into the Unknown | Cambridge Associates | research | Keywords: blockchain, startups, fund, strategies, token, distribution, ico, institutional |
Cryptocurrencies Looking Beyond Hype | Bank Of International Settlements | research | Keywords: crypto, blockchain, ledger, cbdc, regulation, volatility, mining, ico |
CryptoUtopia | Autonomous NEXT | research | Keywords: venture capital, ico, hype, taxonomy |
Customer Advisory Use Caution Buying Digital Coins Tokens | CFTC | regulatory | Keywords: regulation, ico, fraud, risk |
Dandelion Lightweight Cryptocurrency Networking Formal Anonymity Guarantees | DTR Research | academic | Keywords: privacy, blockchain, transaction, model, security, protocol, crypto |
Deconstructing Blockchain to Approach Physical Limits | DTR Research | academic | Keywords: base, protocol, consensus, throughput, latency, security, incentive |
Fee Ratio Multiple Ratios (FRM) | Paradigm | Transaction Fees | Measuring the distance for PoW chains to sustain security levels solely through transaction fees Why is FR important? The vast majority of crypto assets employ disinflationary monetary policies, whereby the rate of issuance declines geometrically. Read more here: | Keywords: pow, proof, mining, security, hash, fee |
Framework for Investment Contract Analysis of Digital Assets | SEC | regulatory | | Keywords: sec, regulator, valuation, taxonomy, howey, framework, methodology, ico, securities, law, classification, dapp |
Framework Securities Regulation Cryptocurrencies | Coincenter | research | Keywords: asset, token, howey, fork, airdrop, ico, pre, burn, mine, distribution, decentralization, profit |
Fund Request | Picolo Research | research | Keywords: ico |
Guidelines Regarding Regulatory Framework ICO | FINMA | regulatory | Keywords: initial, regulation, legal, switzerland, aml, launder |
Havven HAVVEN | Picolo Research | research | Keywords: ico |
ICO Market Quarterly Analysis Q1 2019 | ICOBench | research | Keywords: ico, performance, valuation, venture |
ICO Market Quarterly Analysis Q4 2018 | ICOBench | research | Keywords: capital formation, venture, sto, ieo |
ICON ICX | Picolo Research | research | Keywords: ico |
ICOs A Strategic Perspective | PWC | research | Keywords: ico |
Initial Coin Offerings | Ernst Young | regulatory | Keywords: blockchain, ico, smart, contract, token, valuation, security, regulation |
Introducing Fee Ratio Multiple | CryptoChat | research | Keywords: btc, security, budget, block, reward, transaction, fees, frm, ratio, multiple, lightning, utxo, miner |
Jura Network JURA | Picolo Research | research | Keywords: ico |
LabCFTC Primer Virtual Currencies | CFTC | regulatory | Keywords: regulation, ico, fraud, risk |
Lending Block LND | Picolo Research | research | Keywords: ico, derivatives, borrow |
MoneyTree Report Q3 2018 | CB Insights | research | Keywords: venture, equity, corporate, ico, dlt, ledger, saft |
Network Value Aggregate Fee Ratio | CryptoChat | research | Keywords: nvafr, security, inflation, btc, eth, ltc, xmr, dcr, bch, xrp |
Pump And Dump | Wall Street Journal | research | Keywords: wash, ico, scam, trading volume, scheme |
PWC Research ICOs Strategic Perspectice CVA ICO | PWC | research | Keywords: ico |
Q3 Quarterly Report | Coingecko | research | Keywords: crypto, bitcoin, blockchain, social, sentiment, exchange, volume, ico, node, nft, event, contract |
Regulatory Treatment ICO | FINMA | regulatory | Keywords: initial, regulation, legal, switzerland |
RSK | Picolo Research | research | Keywords: ico |
Security Token Overview Series Part 1 | Smith & Crown | research | Keywords: sto, securities |
State of the Token Market 2017 | FABRIC Ventures | research | Keywords: ico, scalability, fundraise, returns |
State of the Token Market Q3 2018 | FABRIC Ventures | research | Keywords: ico, scalability, fundraise, returns |
The Security Token Infrastructure Stack | Smith & Crown | research | Keywords: sto, securities |
Token Mania | Autonomous NEXT | research | Keywords: crypto, ico, token, regulatory, venture, fork, hack, fund, taxonomy |
TrustToken TRU | Picolo Research | research | Keywords: ico |
What Is Blockchain Technology | CB Insights | research | Keywords: dlt, bitcoin, primer, intro, basic, ico |
Whats Next Blockchain | CB Insights | research | Keywords: stable, security, sto, fungible, nft, dlt, ledger, privacy, ico, smart, contract, exchange |
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