Sign Up | Log In

Create a Paradigm account or log in with an existing one.

New Users

Our process is simple with a focus on secure access. For new users, all you need to do is:

  1. Enter your email and password (password must meet the minimum requirements stated)
  2. You will immediately receive a confirmation email, please confirm your account
  3. You will then be able to return to the login page and use your new credentials!
  4. When logged in, please visit your user/account page where you will find your new API subscription keys
  5. Depending on your account access, you may also see notifications under your ‘messages’ panel for things like ‘request beta access’. If you do see those, please click to request the additional access.

We are constantly working to improve the user experience, please don’t hesitate to contact us directly at with any issues or feedback

Having trouble signing up for a new account or logging in? Please don’t hesitate to contact us directly at